Thread: Thug!
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Old 30-03-2009, 01:29 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Rusty_Hinge[_2_] Rusty_Hinge[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2008
Posts: 1,097
Default Thug!

The message
from David in Normandy contains these words:
Rusty_Hinge wrote:

Isn't it lovely when you buy a raspberry cane at a venture and it turns
out to have delicious, firm and big fruits?

And isn't it a bonus when a veritable forest of new canes sprout round it?

There are some thugs I can tolerate innit!

The problem is the veritable forest that each of the veritable forests
goes on to create. I've been pondering the raspberry patch this
afternoon wondering what to do with hundreds more unwanted raspberries
coming up, they are invading the gooseberries and *everywhere* else.

Do you know if it is safe to glyphosate them or will it kill the parent
plants seeing as they are runners and connected? Or is it down to spade
work and digging them all out by hand?

I'd dig them out - they're not that difficult.

Wait till the autumn and bundle their roots up in compost, wrap in a
plastic bag and dispose of - at the gate for cash, to charity stalls,
church fêtes, or just give them away to friend^h^h^enemies.

I'm going to build a raised bed for raspberries - one day.

Spent a lot of time today putting in currant bushes, etc, and weeding,
weeding, weeding.

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