What a day!
On Mar 29, 9:19*am, Sacha wrote:
Because we 'lost' an hour this morning, I woke at 5am, of course! *Slowly
the day dawned crisp and cold but with an achingly brilliant blue sky. *Now,
at just after 10am, the sky is gleaming overhead and a heat haze is rising
from the vents in the roof of the biggest greenhouse. Let's hope it lasts!
We've planted up a lot of the pots dotted around the garden and where some
Euryops died in the frosts, we've planted lilies, underplanted with a dear
little mat-forming Veronica - might be V. liwanensis but I'll have to check
that. *It's a charming little plant. *Elsewhere, the shuttlecock ferns are
slowly unfolding, the tree ferns seem to be okay and are forming their
croziers in secret and Camellias and Magnolias are bursting with life. *Our
'wedding cake tree' which had closed buds furled up tightly just waiting for
some warmth, has sprung into full glory and almost without my noticing, a
living willow fence is almost in full leaf. *And the snowdrops have
disappeared for another year. *Everything seems to be moving so fast now!
South Devon
Exotic plants, shrubs & perennials online
Beautiful here today, bright, windy and warmish!!!! I have so much to
do that I have decided I have to work outside so I have employed a
painter and decorator to finish the summer sitting room. I love
decorating but I can't cut myself in two!!!!