Thread: Riddles/sieves
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Old 27-03-2009, 09:18 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
shazzbat shazzbat is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 780
Default Riddles/sieves

"Broadback" wrote in message
I have been trying to get hold of a sieve/riddle that has a mechanical
option, one where you turn a handle. I have a standard "shake me" one, but
find it rather slow when I am sieving compost and leaf mould to make
compost. Unable to source one locally, can anyone recommend one available
on line, I don't want to buy one then find it insubstantial.

(Goes into showoff mode). Here's one I molished earlier. -

Sheddish, no? OK, having almost a full sheet of 1" ply lying unused helped,
but it sieves a large quantity in
a short time, merely by shovelling in one end and getting a slave to turn it
by hand, and remove the big stuff from the other end.

The trolley isn't essential, a pair of axle stands will do instead, but
there was this one at B&Q which a
truck had backed into and partially squashed, so while I was there I
scrounged it. Like you do.
