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Old 26-03-2009, 01:17 AM posted to rec.gardens
D. Arlington[_2_] D. Arlington[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2009
Posts: 30
Default Raising kids to be gardeners

"z" wrote in message

unfortunately, most parents give their kids the absolute worst

example; they start off gangbusters, toss around a lot of cash, dive
in without much of a plan, particularly regarding weed control; a crop
of peas comes up, about half of them get picked, by summer the weeds
are getting the upper hand, most of the other plants are submerged and
bug ridden, but a few tomato plants stick up from the sea; after a
couple of weeks of tomato harvest they can't even be bothered to pick
the tomatoes any more, and the whole mess stands there all winter as a
monument outside the back window to remind the kids that that's how
you're supposed to see a project through from start to finish.

I've seen neighbor's gardens go this route over the years and places I've
lived. They're all too glued to their PCs and TVs to get out there and work
in the garden.