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Old 25-03-2009, 02:29 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
noone[_2_] noone[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2009
Posts: 2
Default Copper rings for slug control

Yes, copper does work - it gives a slight shock to the wee beasties. I even
lined the rim of my wooden planters - nary a slug last year. Even mice
avoid copper, truly! I used to get them "ringing" my rose branches, but not
a bite since I circled the roses, at ground level, with copper. It's
certainly worth a try. I've seen many people recommending copper over the

"TheOldFellow" wrote in message
. ..
I've seen these advertised, so I'm experimenting with home-made rings
made from copper round some of my herbaceous plants.
Now the rain is forecast to return (North Cumbria), I'm expecting
the damn things to be at my lupins any day.
Does anyone have experience with them? Any advice?
