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Old 18-03-2009, 02:59 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Billy[_7_] Billy[_7_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,179
Default Anyone used the new LED grow lights?

In article
Bobo Bonobo® wrote:

On Mar 17, 8:26*pm, Billy wrote:
In article
*Bobo Bonobo® wrote:

On Mar 16, 11:23*am, Frank wrote:

I know that I'm a visitor here, and not to be rude, but I--and all
others with half a brain--know how to search Wikipedia. *I was hoping
for expertise, not reference librarianship of the lowest order. *I
will post back here with my experience. *I plan to use the LED panel I
ordered to grow edible Solanaceaes. *I've never had luck with eggplant
outdoors, and out of season decent tomatoes would make me very happy.

Next year, if this turns out nicely, I might expand my operation to
help provide seedlings to the other members of our city's new
community garden. *I'm of the opinion that if one has the means,
failing to grow a Victory Garden--at least for USA residents--is

Again, Frank, I didn't mean to be an a$$hole. *I had searched this NG,
plus the web, plus--of course--Wikipedia.


You were supposed to say, "Thank you, Frank, for offering your time to a
total stranger." Your posturing just wastes more time.

It is an insult to a person's intelligence to post a simple Wikipedia
search, which in 2009, any moron knows how to do.



Impolite and arrogant, what a lovely combination. You go boy.

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