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Old 17-03-2009, 01:04 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Kathy Kathy is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 47
Default Do Cats Get the Message

"TheScullster" wrote in message
Hi all

I know this is a recurring theme on this group - methods for repelling our
feline "friends".
Was wondering whether repeated chase-outs actually result in the offending
creature learning that a garden is a no-go-zone.
If so, what level of deterrent is necessary?
Simple chasing out at high speed whenever they are sighted
Chasing and soft missiles - e.g. wet mud
Catapult with hard missiles
Well directed water (I'm considering one of those high powered kids water
gun things ATM)

From what I've read in this group, the retail concoctions and electronic
gizmos aren't worth bothering with.
Hence the list of measures above.
Not interested in replies from cat lovers unless they solve the problem of
cats cr@pping in my veg patch.

As a cat owner I know all about getting rid of cats! My neighbour's cats
seem to think my garden is fair game.

The water pistol will work. After a while you only have to appear with it
and they run.
Hard missiles not recommended, as an injured cat can get you into a lot of
trouble. I discourage all cats from certain beds [I leave one specifically
for mine, in the hope that they will use their loo and not my neighbours
gardens] with a cat repellent containing citronella and something else.
Can't think of the name right now but I'm due to buy some more. I'll post
the name when I do.

Oh, and lion poo works. Apparently :-}


It's pointless to try and discuss ethics with a spider.