Thread: Wild Garlic
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Old 04-03-2009, 09:40 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
mark mark is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 55
Default Wild Garlic

"Christina Websell" wrote in message

"mark" wrote in message
I've got a lot of it!
Some are about to flower.
I'd like some recommendations on how to get rid of it?
Alternatively, anyone got any recipes that use wild garlic?

Oh, I wish I could have a bit of it. The last 30 yards of my garden I
call my wood, ash trees, fruit trees and big hawthorns, It's full of
snowdrops and things woodlike, but wild garlic I want for it!
Send some to me.


I've Googled for pics and I'm not sure it is wild garlic. I saw biggish
plants with wide flat leaves and white star flowers.
The plant is more like snowdrop size, with a white snowdrop size flower and
has a very strong garlic smell. It is growing like a carpet in an adjacent
wooded area.
