Best Approach for Replacing an Old Tree
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26-02-2009, 09:14 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Emery Davis[_2_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2008
Posts: 105
Best Approach for Replacing an Old Tree
On Feb 24, 2:32 pm, Sacha wrote:
I love it but Michael did say "today's fave", so I was widening the field a
bit - or the gap in the hedge. ;-) And then I was sort of musing on
hedge/privacy/evergreen etc. with some of them. And the other lovely tree
we've planted a few of lately is the Betula jacquemontii - they're such
graceful and elegant trees, IMO.
I guess I was being slightly flippant when I wrote "today's fave" -
I've been looking at them on & off for a few months. My slight
concern was their slow growth rate - so interesting to see that you
pointed that out. One of the other reasons I was interested in them
was that a couple of years ago I planted a Prunus serrula about 30
feet away & thought they might go well (or does that count as too much
of a good thing?). The autumn colour would also be welcome.
Just to follow up on the growth speed of A. griseum, you can expect 6-8
inches of top growth in decent soil, per year. So it's not as slow as some.
The fall colour is often overlooked but in our climates it is one of the
best of all the maples for fall colour. (And that's saying something.)
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Emery Davis[_2_]
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