"Sacha" wrote in message
Our evergreen Agapanthus leaves have turned to mush. Anyone any idea if
we've lost the plants forever, or will they sprout again? As for an Arum
lily in a pot....... ;-(
South Devon
Exotic plants, shrubs & perennials online
I have six agapanthus planted in my front garden as young plants 3 years
ago. No problem with them at all overwintering in the ground till this year.
All the leaves have turned a grey-white colour and look quite sickly.
Earlier this month the temperatures did fall to -9c overnight on a few
occasions so colder than the previous few winters. Guess I'll just have to
keep digits crossed as well! Good news though is that my "Lady Boothby"
fuschias seem to have survived ok in the ground with new bud shoots
appearing already! So much for them not being hardy!!
Clive in Kent