In time
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"Stewart Robert Hinsley" wrote in message
In message
moghouse writes
On Feb 19, 5:20 pm, "'Mike'" wrote:
(The Earth is reputed to be 36,000,000,000 years old. That is 36
Just think, how important are you really? ........ ;-)
Well the real point is, Mike, all those years of evolution and
improvement have been leading up!
He could at least have got the age right. (The Earth is about 4.5 billion
years old; the estimates of the time that have passed since the Big Bang
have converged on 13.7 billion years.)
Stewart Robert Hinsley
Which goes to show, that no matter which figures you apply, man's presence
on Earth is nothing less than a layer of dust. So I ask again, how important
are you in the minute time we are here?
Not at all, but look how important SOME people think they are :-)))