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Old 14-02-2009, 11:22 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sheila Sheila is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 260
Default Ping Sheila - Agapanthus

"Spider" wrote in message
Hi Sheila,

I potted on many of my Agapanthus seedlings last week to give them a bit
more space. They are not yet potted up singly, but several to a 4" pot.
They have settled in well and are about 3" high now and trying to put up a
second leaf. Because they're in fresh compost I haven't fed them yet, but
may do so in a month's time when, hopefully, it will be a bit warmer and
lighter for longer.

The only downside to this progress is that the remaining tardy seedlings
are sulking somewhat due to the disturbance :~(. However, they may pick
up. Even if they don't, I've still got plenty of seedlings to grow on and
share. I have a friend who loves and collects Agapanthus and, naturally,
she is watching my progress with great interest. How are your seedlings
coming on?

Do you know, Sheila, the specific (and cultivar?) name(s) of this
Agapanthus? It would help also to know whether or not it's evergreen ...
I need to know if I should panic if it's dying or simply dying back for a
period of dormancy. Also, I believe its evergreen or deciduous status is
an inicator of hardiness. If you don't know, don't worry, I'll just have
to learn as I go along.


Not doing too well I'm afraid, I have only used 20 pots, and they are in a
tray in conservatory covered by cling film. I have removed one pot, as it
has a lovely little seedling, very spindly, the others are "JUST" about to
break the surface, about 8 of the pots are showing activity, and not broken
into leaf yet. I have no bottom heat on them. I didn't put my seeds in until
a few weeks after you both. I also had a disaster, I did remove 2 pots, and
managed to drop a book on one of it all got scooped back into
pot, the seedling had disappeared so its in there somewhere, fighting its
way out...... (I hope!) I asked the guy who cuts my grass and moves heavy
things for me ( My gardener!)if he wanted any seedlings, and he said no
thanks, they are too difficult to germinate, he just will take a few when he
splits the mother plant!

I haven't got a clue of the variety at all, I was told when I split the
plant, that the original came from Madeira, where the lady holidayed a lot.
I have always had green leaves on the plant, even during the winter, and
they are still there now, new ones, under the dead old ones. I cut the main
flower stem down a month or so ago. had to repot the ones in pots outside
as the frost fractured the pots they were in, mainly because one of them was
an old bread bin....I have actually put them in their pots in the shed, they
seem fine, might bring them out for the weekend, as we are scheduled to have
double figures here in Formby tomorrow....

You sound as if you are having a successful time with the seeds, I am glad,
I managed to knock the envelope off the work surface last week, which
contained the remaining seeds, they fell into a bag containing dirty
clothes, ready for the wash, and had to be shaken from that, and the rest
picked up carefully from the kitchen floor, so only time will tell if they
do anything, I am going to have a go putting the remaining ones in pots this
weekend, and see what happens.

Progress report from anyone else???