Thread: Honey Fungus
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Old 13-02-2009, 05:12 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Rusty_Hinge[_2_] Rusty_Hinge[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2008
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Default Honey Fungus

The message
from "Carole" contains these words:

Crikey - didn't know you could eat honey fungus ! The amount I've lobbed
off that stump and destroyed........what a waste - and I'm a vegetarian too

Suggest you look at books by (the late) Michael Jordan. You'll get
recipes in some.

You'd be surprised at how many species of mushroom you can eat.

Sounds right about the privet - planted it about 15 years ago, and it gets
regular pruning. I think I'll bite the bullet and replace it.
Wonder if I should also dig out the stump (god forbid - it's big) even
though it apparently offers a supply of edible fungus.

If you're anywhere near well-established woodland, you can get most of
your protein requirement for the autumn from fungi. Especially in the
Midlands and east Anglia, some years you will find that fields and
grazed leas will yield bluelegs by the hundredweight - literally. These
salt down well, makng sauce to cook with from the juices, and reducing
the bulk and firming the texture of the caps.

Dry stalks and old caps and powder them in a liquidiser for addition to

My nickname as a yoof and young man wasn't 'Fungus' for nothing innit.

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