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Old 12-02-2009, 11:15 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jeff Layman[_2_] Jeff Layman[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,166
Default Michauxia tchihatcheffii

Sacha wrote:
On 11/2/09 17:41, in article , "Jeff Layman"

By the way, have you ever tried germinating the seeds with the help of
giberellic acid?

I can't even say it! I'll look that up and ask Ray where he keeps it.
;-) Seriously, can you tell us what this is and what it does - sounds of
interest to everyone.

Google is your friend here. But I'm not sure it is easy to obtain in the
UK - 'elf and safety rules about supplying chemicals, and all that. Still,
if you are able to order some, and knowing that everything in the UK is on a
database somewhere, you may find you get a visit from the Boys in Blue:
(I see that one of the tabs on this page is to "Live Chat". Can you imagine
what that entails whilst "under the influence"? The mind boggles -
