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Old 11-02-2009, 12:20 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
BAC BAC is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 243
Default Are "conservationists" wiping out the red squirrel?

"Derek" wrote in message

"moghouse" wrote in message
On Feb 10, 9:29 pm, wrote:

Q: How many conservationists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Any number you like but it will never get changed because they are
all so busy telling everybody else that they are the only people who
know how to do it.

"To exclusively blame the grey squirrel is as unfair as it is bordering
on racism when conservationists fail to reveal all other possible
routes of infection including transmission between red squirrels
themselves and by visitors and their dogs - both of which seem to be
deliberately suppressed. "

As a shooter of many years I can assure you dogs do not climb trees nor do
they carry
Parapox Virus fatal to Red Squirrel which Grey Squirrels spread but rarely
die from. The guys argument is flawed on just about every level but hey
thats the nature of conservation a haven for muppets with time on their

Angus (the OP) will have been very pleased to read your view of conservation
and conservationists, since he loathes and detests it and them, with a
vengeance :-)