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Old 25-01-2009, 11:12 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 805
Default Why are raised beds raised?

"Chris" ] wrote in message
Why are raised beds raised?

I can see the point of separating the beds from the paths - so that you
can access the beds without treading on the earth.

What is the purpose of having the soil level higher than the surrounding

better drainage in boggy soils
warmer earth I have found in my polytunnel
less bending/squatting - easier to plant and maintain
look more landscaped than ground level
good on areas with shit soil - you build nutrients on top of the rubbish
easier to keep defined beds, avoid traffic on them, svae them been washed or
blended in with surrounding garden, path etc
suppresses existing weeds when you build over them
only way to get a garden when your wife doesn't want something that looks
"crap" (see landscaped above)
