Thread: Rhododendron
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Old 10-04-2003, 10:32 PM
Steve Henning
Posts: n/a
Default Rhododendron

Message 58 in threadFrom: limey )
Subject: Rhododendron *
limey at toad dot net wrote:

I understand you can rejuvenate these bushes by cutting back a third
each year. Is that correct? What will happen to the bush? If I cut
back a third, there won't be a whole lot of foliage left. I would
appreciate any advice on how to bring this back to a healthy state.

If necessary, you can remove a great deal of material. It is a general
rule to not remove over 1/3 of the leaf area each year. Pruning is
generally used to control unsatisfactory height or width of a plant. I
don't prune very often and try to limit pruning to plants which have a
shape that is unsatisfactory or dead branches. If I want to cut
trusses for bouquets, I always cut the tallest flowers since this
helps keep the plant within bounds.

Severe pruning is not uncommon with rhododendron and azaleas. A
healthy plant can be cut to the ground and will usually come back.
Rhododendron and azaleas have dormant buds beneath the bark which
sprout to form new growth after severe pruning.

After pruning, spraying with a fungicide may prevent infection.