Thread: Dendrochilum
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Old 20-11-2008, 11:03 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
bobc[_2_] bobc[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 40
Default Dendrochilum

Hello everyone, and thanks for the info. I went to Ray's site (a
wonderful place!) and saw theEpi-Web stuff. My fear is it dries too
fast. I grow on a windowsill and some weeks I just can't find the
time to water the orchids as much as they would like. I guess I could
add some Sphagnum to the Epiweb?
Steve, my Ddc hasn't ever flowered. It's biggest leaf was only about
six inches long. They slowly get more and more brown speckles, then
die. I've never been able to see any bugs, even with magnification.
I've sprayed with insecticidal soap, and wiped them with Purell hand
sanitizer, and alchohol (that doesn't look right?) ... at different
times. It is sitting alongside my other plants, but they show no
signs of damage at all, ever. It is putting forth new growth now.
The new leaves are a nice green color and blemish free at the moment.
I've started to toss it in the trash several times, but keep giving it
another chance. The only thing I haven't tried yet is to summer it
outdoors. If it lives through the winter, I'll try that.
Bob - Philadelphia, Pa