winterize a small pond
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06-11-2008, 03:45 AM posted to rec.ponds
John Smith[_5_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 87
winterize a small pond
I live in Missouri and I have a small plastic pond tub approx.35 gal.
There are no fish,( well there was but they disappeared late summer we
suspect largebirds). We do have a few plants in containers and a few
floating. How do I winterize the pond to prevent the plastic liner
from cracking? And is it possible to keep the plants alive outside?
Please respond ASAP winter is upon us.
Thank you,
What area do you live in? Since I live in California, we probably do
not have the problems you do, with freezing. Not only that, but the
pond liner we have is very thick and "kind of pliable." By that, I mean
it seems to be made of the same stuff as horse/cattle watering "pans."
And, by that, I mean it is roughly 3/8 of an inch thick and not "hard",
or, in other words, it flexes ... I would not think it would even be
harmed if all the water froze in it--it seems to be made of something
similar to car tires!
Although I may not be able to help you, can you be more specific on what
your "pond liner" is composed of, and where you live?
Warm regards,
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John Smith[_5_]
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