Xref: news7 rec.arts.bonsai:61596
I have a quince that has white speckles on the leaves that my
neighbor says is a virus. Any suggestions on how to treat the plant
It doesn't sound like a virus to me: virus symptoms tend to be
subtle; chlorosis, faint ringspots or mottling of leaves, blackened
petioles, crinkling or curling of leaves.
Possible viruses (of apple, that might affect quince):
Apple chlorotic leafspot virus (ACLSV)
Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV)
Cherry rasp leaf virus (CRLV)
Apple mosaic virus (ApMV)
Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV)
Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV)
Apple union necrosis and decline caused by Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV)
None of these are very likely in your case. However, I want to
explain what you'd have to do if your tree DID have virus symptoms
You would take it to a diagnostic clinic, and they would take a leaf
sample and test it for likely viruses. If a test came up positive,
you'd have to decide what the next step would be. Some viruses are
fairly innocuous, and "stunt" trees, not a bad thing in a bonsai,
but others are disfiguring, and would make your tree worthless. If
you lived in an area with lots of orchards or ornamental rosaceous
species, your tree would be dangerous to the entire area. You might
feel morally obliged to destroy it. Or, you might want to keep it in
a mesh cage for the rest of its life, where vectoring insects
couldn't get at it.
Has anyone ever had a bonsai with a virus??? Speak up now, because
otherwise I think it must be a very rare occurence.
Helena, you should describe your symptoms in more detail, so we can
figure out what your tree REALLY has.
Nina Shishkoff
Frederick, MD
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