Archie, you are the king of trash pile entropy!!!!
How many citations have you gotten for not cleaning up your yard and does
your excuse hold up in court? Your yard isn't filthy, you're just doing an
experiment in trash pile entropy! Maybe you're really the result of secret
government gene splicing experiments with a pack rat?
Do tell us more about your "Speck Theory" of the universe!
We all could use a good laugh! :-)
Archimedes Plutonium wrote in message
Matilda Zuckerman wrote:
Are you gonna eat that stuff ?
Not me.
I have eaten plenty of wildraspberries growing in manmade dump sites
I consider the entire plant as a screening or sieve of any trash in
the soil and that the berry itself is as clean and pure as one grown in an
organic orchard.
Now, your reply got me to thinking as to why perhaps raspberries love
Consider entropy, the measure of disorder. And consider that plain dirt
soil at a given place or site is near to its lowest entropy.
Hard to believe that trash contains alot less entropy, a lot less
And that trash and garbage contain alot of order and thus energy.
Trash such as plastics and glass and metal and asphalt and paper
and wax and discarded kitchen wastes.
And so, if any one of us were a plant, we would love to have that
supplemented into the soil around us because that more ordered energy
will be broken down and in the breakdown will nourish the plants.
Also, trash and garbage aerate the soil more than normal soil.
I believe that is some of the answer to the question as to whether plants
like trash and garbage put into the soil.
There should be some means of quantifying and researching the above
Archimedes Plutonium,
whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots
of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies