Dont let the politicians get off the hook, real cause of EconCrisis
On Sep 26, 7:26�pm, steviekm3 wrote:
An old trick of politicians to blame everybody else for the problems
THEY created. They always blame the usual suspects: fat cats on wall
street because they are easy targets. Nobody likes the fat cats. The
fat cats are partially to blame BUT most of the blame goes back to the
ALL of the blame for the current so-called crisis (there is no crisis)
falls directly upon the lame brained debt-ridden irresponsible
spineless *******s. No economy can last long operating in the red...
running a tab is not an economy, it's a disease. The ONLY cure is for
ALL credit to dry up. Paying off the deadbeat's debt only encourages
more of the same. This ain't rocket scinece... there is nothing
easier to understand/fix.