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Old 01-10-2008, 07:39 AM posted to rec.gardens
Billy[_5_] Billy[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2008
Posts: 503
Default Dont let the politicians get off the hook, real cause of Econ Crisis

In article
MajorOz wrote:

On Sep 29, 3:58*pm, Jangchub wrote:
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 15:25:51 -0400, Frank

frankdotlogullo@comcastperiodnet wrote:
Jangchub wrote:
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:36:06 -0400, Frank
frankdotlogullo@comcastperiodnet wrote:

I'm voting for the white guy---------------

Ralph Nader

You might as well vote for the maverick because Nader hasn't got a
chance. *That is silly to throw away the vote like that.


You're not at true Greeny, if you don't vote for the skinny whitey

I never said I was a Greeny, so not sure what you're talking about
even with the smiley.

Ralph Nader has passed his prime. He's rumbling and mumbling now. *He
may be the best we have to offer in the way or cleaning up the
environment, but he has not experience in any other area of
government. *He thinks he does. *I think he should be in local
politics first, then maybe enter into bigger seats. *He's not more
experienced than Commando Barbie. *I can't wait to see her bumbling on
Thursday night. *Look for the ear piece. It will be firmly in her ear
in up her ass. the cat said: "...psssfffffttttttt"

Some kind of wacko hatred at work here.



As an acolyte of Dixie Ray Lee, you should know wacko intimately, Oz.

MaCain has already shown himself unfit to be president but Obama is the
big disappointment. He voted for the Telecommunication bill that granted
amnesty to telecommunication companies even before we found out what
they did and now he encourages the blank check to Paulson for $700

The bill should
BRUCE MARKS: . . . have to do three things: do a moratorium on
foreclosures, stop the interest-rate increases, and restructure loans to
make them affordable. Thatıs it, without one dollar of taxpayer money.
.. . .

And Paulson‹letıs go back in history a little bit. Paulson says the sky
is falling, we have to bail out Bear Stearns, $30 billion; the sky is
falling, we have to bail out Fannie and Freddie, $200 billion; the sky
is falling, we have to bail out AIG, $85 billion. Well, at some point,
weıve got to say, when you have a track record of failure, well, then
weıve got to say, maybe the sky is not falling. Maybe we need to let
things play itself out out there. And thatıs what we have to do.

.. . .

itıs exploitation, itıs discrimination. Itıs all those things. And they
made hundreds of millions of dollars, and they should be in jail. They
should be prosecuted.

But letıs focus on the issue right now, which is, kill this bill. There
is now making it better at this point. Weıve got to give ourselves some
breathing room to do that. So, people can go to our website at,
or they can go to other places out there, but call your congressmen and
stop it.

Conflict of interest

There has been some criticism of Paulson, with suggestions that
Paulson's plan may potentially have some conflicts of interest. This is
because Paulson is the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, a firm that may
benefit from the plan. [32][33] Unlike the previous bailouts and managed
liquidations of Goldman competitors Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and
Lehman Bros. and those of AIG, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, in which
shareholder value was largely wiped out, Goldman's stock could rise
under the Paulson plan, benefiting his former partners, because it would
take distressed assets off their balance sheet. [34]

The proposed bill would give the United States Treasury Secretary
unprecedented powers over the economic and financial life of the U.S..
Section 8 of Paulsonıs plan states: ³Decisions by the Secretary pursuant
to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency
discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any
administrative agency.²[35]

They are picking our pockets.

If you believe in Bush, you deserve to have your pockets picked but I
don't. He has never done anything but lie to us. If this bill goes
through, there will be no money for education, there will be no money
for health care. All the beautiful promises created by Obama and McCain
will be gone, and we can look forward to the neo-liberalism that crushed
Argentina and Chile.

Vote third party.

Obama and/or McCain Behind Bars