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Old 27-09-2008, 06:25 PM posted to rec.gardens
David E. Ross David E. Ross is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 585
Default Tree too close to house?

On 9/27/2008 11:17 AM, Mitulove wrote:
Another question about the plants in my new garden..
We've got this maple (I think) growing very close to the house. It
comes out of the ground just 4 inches or so away from the wall. I
can't imagine why someone would have purposely planted it like that,
yet there it is, growing very happily. Is this kind of tree going to
cause problems? Any advice gratefully received.

When the tree grows larger -- when the diameter of the trunk increases
by 10 inches (5 inches of radius) -- the tree will be pushing very hard
on the wall.

I don't really know how thick a maple's trunk will grow. But I have
several trees that are significantly thicker now than when they were
planted. Some increase by an inch or two every year.

David E. Ross
Climate: California Mediterranean
Sunset Zone: 21 -- interior Santa Monica Mountains with some ocean
influence (USDA 10a, very close to Sunset Zone 19)
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