Can you identify this fruit/bush for me please?
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27-09-2008, 01:44 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening,rec.gardens.edible,rec.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2007
Posts: 310
Can you identify this fruit/bush for me please?
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Talk about a rapid response!
Thanks very much. So I can eat them then, that's good to know. What
colour should they be when fully ripe?
They're yellow when ripe, but the strains sold for gardes are almost
always hollow with just a tiny dollop of bright red pulp and loads of
black seeds. I pop them open and suck the seeds then spit out the seeds
while in the garden. It would take hundreds to have enough of the red pulp
to strain and can. There are species with plenty of pulp inside, but not
the purple passion flower. I like the flavor, but everyone else I've
convinced to try the red pulp didn't think much of it.
However, the yellow rind is a fair substitute for any "green tomatoes"
recipe, or mixed with green tomatoes or squashes or bell peppers, or mixed
into relish. The simplest thins is to slice up the rinds smallish, fry
with onion and green pepper in oil or butter, & added to scrambled
eggs. Or fry until partially browned in very hot oil with onion, bell
pepper, and wdhatever else you like, to make a relish that'll keep for
weeks in the frigerator and goes nicely with hotdogs (tofu hotdogs in my
case) or other sorts of sandwiches, even on grilled cheese.
-paghat the ratgirl
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