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Old 23-09-2008, 03:07 AM posted to,alt.survival
Kurt Ullman Kurt Ullman is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 43
Default After the Nuke War - growning uncontaminated food

In article ,
(Ralph) wrote:

Potassium Iodate is what is used to protect the thyroid from radiation.
Why are there so many places selling it if ordinary iodine would do? I'm
pretty sure iodine won't do the trick.

It is also possible to use high doses of regular iodine. The
theory is that the high doses of stable iodine will crowd out the
radioactive. To grossly oversimplify, if your blood is 90% stable
iodine and 10% radioactive, then the thyroid should take up the two
constituents in roughly the same percentages.
Of course, this is only a consideration to the extent that the
exposure is radioactive iodine, thus the "least of your troubles"
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