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Old 23-02-2003, 05:27 PM
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Default Going bats! Bathouse questions....

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 01:06:04 -0500, "Noctaire" wrote:

I looked all over the internet to find a site that would give you good
area specific advice and couldn't find anything. Maybe one of the
universities in Ohio has an etymology department. Where's Bill and
Doug when you need them?

Well heck, I found a couple of sites and did drum up information on the
species around here but naturally I lost the sites. Hang on.... Here's

For the main part, the ones we see most are Brown bats I believe -- the
"Little" variety. I've heard talk of Indiana bats as well, and the Gray is
supposed to be in our area too.

I'm thinking of just putting up a very tall pole with the bathouse in the
middle of the back yard and seeing what we get. I figure if we get nada
then they just don't like us.


You will greatly increase your chances if you hang an old sock filled with bat
guano on the pole. The Boyscouts did this experiment a while back and reported
it to Wildbirds Unlimited (where we bought our 200 bat, bat house).