Originally Posted by Bob Hobden
Pink Flowering Gum Tree (Eucalyptus ficifolia)
Having just seen this on another Newsgroup does anyone know if this tree
will grow in the UK, and will it flower?
Bob Hobden
Hi Bob, i have 2 Corymbia ficifolia which i grew from chiltern seed 5 years ago, 1st year they reached 18 inches and were overwintered in pots in the greenhouse at around 5C. then repotted and in their 2nd year reached about 4 ft..they've been outside ever since in north london. when they got to 8 feet in the biggest pots i had, they stopped growing and didn't look so happy so i took the plunge and planted one out. it took a year to get used to being in the ground, and has put on about a foot of growth this year, certainly looks happier than it's very pot bound sibling. i guess they go down to about minus 3/4 C in my garden on occasion. No idea if they will flower or not. A E.globulus which i sowed at the same time and which initially went into the ground in it's first season made 45 feet in 4 years before my neighbour forced me to remove it. Now that was an impressive tree!