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Old 27-08-2008, 06:28 PM posted to
Bob F Bob F is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 762
Default Lawnmower storage

"Dioclese" NONE wrote in message

Doesn't matter when you change the oil. Minimum, once a year. More if the
engine is severely worn., or, if used excessively. Yes, a hot engine reduces
the viscosity of the oil, and, assures more drainage of same. That's more
important in colder climates. But, the ambient temperature from Maine to
Texas in late summer is not variant enough to worry about a hot engine before
draining the oil. The resulting difference in volume of oil during drainage
is extremely negligible vs. a hot engine.

But, the hot engine is one which has been run recently, putting settled crud
from the oil into suspension, so it drains with the oil instead of waiting at
the bottom for the next time you start the engine.