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Old 27-08-2008, 08:38 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Gaz[_2_] Gaz[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 2
Default Pruning Smoke Bush (cotinus)

On Aug 26, 9:14*am, Sacha wrote:
On 26/8/08 07:58, in article
, "Gaz"

Hello. I have a smoke bush which is 4 years old.I has never flowered.
Every spring I prune it to near groud level as this is what the label
said. I have been told that you shouldnt prune every year. Is right if
so how and when sould I prune. The longest stems are about 6ft( 6 or 7
like this) and the rest about 3ft.

I'd just keep it tidy and cut off what gets in your way or threatens to take
up too much space from something else. *Cutting it back that fiercely
encourages leaf growth which, for a lot of people is the most important
thing about Cotinus. *But if you take out about a third of the growth I
believe that's the recommended method for allowing flowering.

South Devon

Thanks Sasha. I'll try that.