planting a low formal hedge
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19-08-2008, 12:02 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,439
planting a low formal hedge
On 18/8/08 18:30, in article
, "MikeH"
'Sacha[_3_ Wrote:
;810306']On 16/8/08 18:15, in article
I am about to plant a low, formal, evergreen hedge, approx 0.8 - 1.2
metres high and 16 metres long. It fronts a lawn and borders on a
pavement so needs to be resilent i.e. must be able to regenerate from
old wood in case of vandalism. Has anybody had experience of
the following: Lonicera nitida, Ilex crenata Convexa orThuja
occidentalis. Open aspect, north facing, light shade withy late
afternoon sun. I have decided against Escallonia and Box. Any other
advice or experience of others would be greatly appreciated.
If you want resilient to vandalism, get some well-grown Rosa rugosa.
South Devon
Sacha, R. rugosa is a little too informal for the setting and as we get
a lot of pedestrian traffic could harm the innocent! Barbed wire and
electric fence is tempting but I had to rule out for obvious reasons.
Will keep your nursery details for future ref. Thanks
;-)) We don't do barbed wire or electric fencing, though. Being serious,
would it be better for your privacy to put up a fence and then either plant
a hedge inside that to disguise the fence, or could you then climb things up
South Devon
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