Thread: Dipladenia
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Old 14-08-2008, 10:39 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha[_3_] Sacha[_3_] is offline
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Default Dipladenia

On 14/8/08 08:38, in article ,
"Charlie Pridham" wrote:

In article ,

Hi Sasha,

I sent Charlie an email picture of my plant, and he told me what he
I have now opened a photobucket account, and here is a link to it, tell
what you think!

I haven't asked Ray his opinion but at a guess, Mandevilla sanderi
I think it's possibly a bit pale to be Alice du Pont, assuming the colour
the photo is true?

South Devon

The colour is true, and I looked for Charlie's email to check what he said,
and I have deleted his reply by accident....

In truth there is not a lot of difference, I normally tell them apart by
leaf size (the colour can vary enormously) Alice du Pont has the largest
leaves and boliviensis is at the smaller end. to further complicate
things x amabilis is a hybrid of M. splendens and can be variable and
will seed itself (its found naturalized on Hawaii) I think the leaf size
in this case points to M splendens or a hybrid of it but if it turns out
that it is M sanderi then it won't make a lot of diffence to its after
care. Google does not help much as you often find that the picture used
does not match the text.

I happened to have Messrs. Phillips & Rix beside me when I was answering
Sheila. ;-)) The colour of hers is close to their Rosea but their photo
doesn't show leaves well at all. The problem with ID-ing from a photo is
that colour just varies so very much. But while ID is always good,
aftercare is more important still so if, as you say, this makes no
difference, all should turn out well in the end.
South Devon