I have a 45 year old pear tree that produces delicious pears, the squirels
eat many of them when they are pears are small and they can get them in
their mouths. Usually they only eat about 1/2 a pear and discard the rest.
I have apples that squirrels actually take and bury, however I did foil them
with my bird feeders... I have a pulley located in a tree with SS wire
attached to the feeder, on top of the feeder I have a round metal plate that
if the squirrels get to (and they havent) they will fall of as it tips to
one side and they arent able to grip...It's funny watching them, they sit
along side the feeder and watch birds eat and not being able to jump to the
feeder they are ticked off I am sure..had this now for 10 years and never
had a squirrel on it...
"z" wrote in message
On Jul 20, 3:54 pm, Oren wrote:
On Sat, 19 Jul 2008 15:58:28 -0400, "Stubby"
I have some small fruit trees. The apples look very good but squirrels
are climbing up the trees to get them. Any ideas on preventing this? How
do the large orchards cope with this problem?
Nothing but a guess here, but metal flashing around the trunk (old
stove pipe, aluminum foil, grease the trunks ).
they can jump 8-10 feet up. i've had a bird feeder hanging from a
metal clotheline pole, high enough that i can't reach it without a
boathook kind of thing to get it down from the hanger for refill. it's
been squirrelproof for a few years, but this summer for the first time
some squirrel got to it, somehow, and now it's a daily raid.