Chris Hagler wrote:
I was wondering if you could help me identify this weed? It ONLY grows
between my sidewalk and the road - nowhere else in my yard. During early
spring, the grass between my sidewalk and road is nice and lush...then
around June/July my grass gets replaced by these vine looking things...and
they grow out toward the sidewalk and road...over a foot long. They are
everywhere in that median of grass between the road and sidewalk for about 3
or 4 months(June - September)..then they die back, and my grass comes back
as normal during the cooler fall. If I let these vine things grow too
much...they then begin to have vertical shoots that tassel and seed. I put
chemicals on my lawn 4 times a year, I have sprayed these things with weed
killer, grassy weed killer, broadleaf weed killers..and it has absolutely NO
EFFECT on them. Any assistance would greatly be appreciated.
Chris Hagler
As KC suggested, that does indeed appear to be common Bermuda grass. If
you have a Fescue or other turf type lawn the Bayer company makes a
herbicide just for this application. What you want is Bayer Advanced
Bermudagrass Control. Most of the big box stores (Home Depot, Lowes,
etc.) carry it in their lawn care center. It's only been out a little
over a year and appears to be the best thing going for controlling
Bermuda in Turf type lawns. Don't expect to control it in a single
application. It will knock it down pretty good the first time but you
will see some recovery in a week or two which means you need to hit it
again. Once you get it under some control expect this to be a yearly
ritual. You'll probably never completely eliminate the Bermuda, but you
can keep it well under control.