I was wondering if you could help me identify this weed? It ONLY grows
between my sidewalk and the road - nowhere else in my yard. During early
spring, the grass between my sidewalk and road is nice and lush...then
around June/July my grass gets replaced by these vine looking things...and
they grow out toward the sidewalk and road...over a foot long. They are
everywhere in that median of grass between the road and sidewalk for about 3
or 4 months(June - September)..then they die back, and my grass comes back
as normal during the cooler fall. If I let these vine things grow too
much...they then begin to have vertical shoots that tassel and seed. I put
chemicals on my lawn 4 times a year, I have sprayed these things with weed
killer, grassy weed killer, broadleaf weed killers..and it has absolutely NO
EFFECT on them. Any assistance would greatly be appreciated.
Chris Hagler