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Old 02-08-2008, 03:58 AM posted to
SteveBell SteveBell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 4
Default How Long Till Roundup Works?

Von Fourche wrote:

"SteveB" wrote in message
Von Fourche wrote:

I bought some Roundup weed killer yesterday. I sprayed a part of
the fence line. How many days does it take for it to kill the
weeds? I am hoping Roundup would first kill the weeds, then I
would take a weed-eater to them in a week or two after Roundup
does its job.

Also, I bought some Roundup Poison Ivy killer and sprayed some Ivy
that is growing on a tree. Will that stuff actually kill the
Poison Ivy for the summer?

I find Roundup takes 1 - 2 weeks to completely kill the plants it's
going to kill. The ones it won't kill take much longer. :-)

A second application is required for some weeds. The label tells you

I saw some Roundup at the local store for around $40.00 I think. Is
that super powerful Roundup or something?

Is the Roundup Poison Ivy killer any different than regular Roundup?
I bought both last week. I sprayed regular Roundup on some of the
fence line and it killed most of the weeks nicely. I sprayed the
Poison Ivy killer on a couple of trees that have Poison Ivy growing
on it and the leaves have wilted and died. I think the Roundup
Poison Ivy killer says it is for Poison Ivy/Oak and tuff weeks/brush.

Roundup comes in different concentrations. You'll have to check the
label for the difference between regular and poison ivy versions. I
would guess the PI version has extra stuff to make it stick better, a
higher concentration of active ingredient, or both.

Steve Bell
New Life Home Improvement
Arlington, TX