"AriesVal" wrote in message
.. .
On Fri, 1 Aug 2008 10:39:25 +0100, Muddymike wrote:
Hi Folks
Some of you encouraged me to post a new garden walk video. Sadly it
out to big to put on my photo site so I have posted it on You Tube
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_UVHKw5NQIY It was nice and clear on my
but seems somewhat fuzzy on You Tube, still it gives a flavour of what we
have been doing here and shows a lot of the clearing and new planting we
have done.
I did enjoy that walk around your lovely garden Mike. I love the dry
walls. A lot for you to look after I'm sure - do you have any help?
Only a little from SWMBO, but I do most of it myself. We had two of the dry
stone walls retaining the terraces re built two years ago by a local dry
stone waller. He reckoned that to build the lot from scratch today would
cost in excess of £250,000. Most were built over 100 years ago when the
garden was part of the grounds of the old Thornborough hall.