Plum Tree Growing Back?
I had a plum tree in my front yard that I loved that was blown down
completely in a storm we had two months ago. I had a tree service remove it
and they left just a small part of the stump in the hole that was created
when the tree was blown over. I was planning on filling the hole and
re-seeding grass over it until I decided if I would plant another plum tree
there or not. In the meantime, however, a nice new growth of about 2 feet
has grown from the plum tree stump. It seems to be growing at a fairly good
pace. Since I liked this tree so much and am not sure I could find the same
species at a local nursery (it was about 25 years old) I am wondering if I
could grow a new plum tree from these "remnants" of my old plum tree. Any
thoughts/advice on this?