In case I didn't say it clearly enough - flowering water plants like water
lilies and lotus are heavy feeders so you need to be sure to stick in some
water plant fertilizer 'pills' or your own packets of fertilizer. These
need to be well centered so that they are feeding the plant and not the
water - that is the algae.
"BB" wrote in message
"D Kat" wrote in
The native soil would work just fine - assuming it doesn't have
much of any loam, leaf mold, compost, etc. in it.
Loam in this soil?? HAHAHAHAHAH!
No, this stuff is almost suitable for making pots out of.
A kind soul here
recommended using nylon wool to filter it out and that worked
perfectly. It along with the clay also did a wonderful job of
cleaning out the pond which is something you may now have to
think about.
I'm trying to figure out how to eventually remove the suspended
particles that're making the water murky. I've kinda settled on
water changes but I'll try some sort of filtering such as you
Basically the manure is going to give you one hell
of a algae bloom unless you can somehow filter it out.
Suprisingly, I haven't had a bad algae bloom at all. I get the
algae that floats to the top during the day and then is gone by
morning. Aside from being unsightly, it's just fine by me.
But no string algae, no green water; nothin'. So I like to believe
that the plant volume is taking care of those nutrients nicely.
Hope this resolves itself soon - it must be a real pain for you.
Not too much of a pain. If you've seen pictures, you know my pond
isn't anything of a showcase. There's a lot of work that needs to
be done that I ain't doin'.
On the plus side, the new patented Clay-Plant-Floating-Inhibitor
(tm) (i.e., brick) is working nicely.
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* Can't see the Forest | Bryan B. *
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