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Old 26-07-2008, 05:12 AM posted to
Radar Radar is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 58
Default White iris and white spider

These are 'Flower Crab Spiders' (Misumena vatia), and they are a variety of
hunting spider that doesn't spin a web. Instead, they lie in wait on
flowers to ambush their prey...insects that come along to get nectar from
the flower. They can even catch bumble bees larger than they are. And
apparently they can change colour from white to yellow depending on what
colour flower they're on. It seems like the bands on their sides can be
different colours too. I almost always find them on white flowers, but I
recently found one on a purplish coloured rose with side bands the identical
colour of the rose...although that didn't camouflage the spider very well
since it was still mostly white!


"Wolf Kirchmeir" wrote in message
Suzie-Q wrote:
In article ,
Wolf Kirchmeir wrote:

Taken a month ago. I didn't even notice the spider until I looked at the

I thought you meant the one(s) on top. Then I saw the
one on the bottom!

That's the one. The others seem to be smaller (younger) ones of the same
species. I don't have a name for this species, have never seen one before.

wolf k.