A Buxus Problem, and a Pelargonium problem :-(
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17-07-2008, 02:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,439
A Buxus Problem, and a Pelargonium problem :-(
On 17/7/08 11:24, in article
, "K"
Sacha writes
Re-pot both into clean compost. Less watering for the Pelargoniums, I would
suggest. But the compost on both must be exhausted by now.
The feeding should have counteracted that. My guess would be the
watering - pelargoniums are remarkably resistant to drought.
It's never a good idea to 'water twice a week' - watering should always
be according to the needs of the plant, more in good weather, less in
damp cloudy weather. Nothing wrong in having a fixed schedule for
examining the plant (saves forgetting about it and returning to find it
shrivelled) but looking at it doesn't mean you have to water it.
Feeding won't replace lost nutrients entirely. And over a period of time -
5 years! - they will be severely depleted, the compost compacted etc. I
agree entirely re the watering.
South Devon
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