Thread: Rhus typhina
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Old 16-07-2008, 12:56 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Stewart Robert Hinsley Stewart Robert Hinsley is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Rhus typhina

In message , patrick j

In my garden is a:

Rhus typhina

The label, which I removed from it ages ago, says:

'Stags Horn Sumach' L shrub/small tree, thick widely branching stems
covered in reddish brown hairs. Large pinnate serrated leaves turn
brilliant orange and scarlet in autumn. Conical red fruits held into

I have two questions about it.

1) I'm wondering how big it will grow? At present it is nine feet high.
It seems to grow quite quickly.

2) Around the base little 'children' have appeared. In fact it looks
like they are coming out of the roots. Ages ago someone said to me that
she had encountered a problem when this shrub/tree put out loads of
'spores' but I didn't take her up on that.

Spores is not the correct terminology, but Rhus typhina is notorious for
suckering (i.e. producing new plants from the roots).

Thank you

Stewart Robert Hinsley