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Old 11-07-2008, 08:58 PM posted to
z z is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 205
Default electric leaf blowers ?

On Jul 6, 7:30*am, "theChas" wrote:
* * * I tried my first electric leaf blower/vac (Weed Eater 15 amp) on the
5th, and it was terrific for the first and only 10 minutes. *Then the GFIC
kicked out and when I reset, and restarted the blower, there was terrible
arcing from the brushes, and the smell. *I suspect the high amperage kicked
out the GFIC. I returned it to WalMart ($39.23), no problems.

don't know about weed eater.
i've had toro and black and decker, and both have been unbreakable for
a few years. still have both, in fact. both do have plastic impellers,
though; like you, i'd prefer metal, on general principles.

moving down from the big 15 amp babies, i also have one of the smaller
toro ones, an "electric broom", doesn't do any mulching.

for whatever reason, i seem to be attracting these things, and they
don't burn out.

on the other hand, i go through an electric lawn mower every couple of
years. go figure.