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Old 10-07-2008, 06:09 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Rusty Hinge 2 Rusty Hinge 2 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 820
Default Glypthosate dangers

The message
from Martin Brown contains these words:
Emrys Davies wrote:

I know how glyphosate works on a plant and the soil but I am wondering
if it is safe in the following circumstances:

If it is applied to weeds on concrete paths, allowed to completely dry
and then it rains is there a danger that the residue can then be carried
on shoes onto grassed areas and thus cause damage?

I suspect that it depends how clean the concrete path is. It won't take
very much clay soil dust to adsorb the glyphosate but until the stuff is
bound to clay it is water soluble, mobile and still potentially active.

Cement powder contains clay. I've no doubt that even when incorporated
into concrete it will still bond with glyphosate.

And grass is exquisitely sensitive to glyphosate so you do have to be
careful not to walk across a lawn with boots wet with the spray.

I heartily wish it were so sensitive...

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