Thread: Devon ahoy
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Old 10-07-2008, 06:03 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha[_3_] Sacha[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,439
Default Devon ahoy

On 9/7/08 20:48, in article ,
"Rusty Hinge 2" wrote:

The message
from Sacha contains these words:

You've got it too? ;-( The wind hasn't been strong here today but it's
getting up now and the rain is still doing what it does best - falling
relentlessly out of the sky. Truly, I believe this country can only make a
fortune if it cuts taxes to 10% and bribes everyone to move here. Nobody
would come for the climate!

How short memories are!

Remember dry reservoirs? Rivers down to trickles? Streams dried-up?

How long is it since there was a scare that we were becoming an arid region?

Not in these parts! Even when they were banning the use of hosepipes 'up
country', our reservoirs were about 90% full. There's a reason Devon's so
green!! ;-)

South Devon