RHS on the ball
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09-07-2008, 07:22 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,439
RHS on the ball
On 9/7/08 15:53, in article
, "Bob Hobden"
"Sacha" wrote ...
It's good to know that behind the scenes they're quietly beavering away on
everyone's behalf. We had a letter from Wisley asking us to submit some
bits of Lepechinia chamaedryoides so Ray sent them a whole plant. Perhaps
some queries have been raised over other Lepechinias because we've had a
reply saying ours is indeed what it claims to be but also that 3 plants
labelled L. salviae sent to them all have proved to be L. hastata. They
also asked if they can keep ours and plant it in their Mediterranean bed
which we have, of course, agreed so we'll have to go and visit it! But it
goes to show that their efforts to maintain the integrity of e.g. The
Finder are constant.
I hope the same person that was in charge of "your" Jade Vine cutting and
the others for the new greenhouse isn't involved! :-(
Oh, Bob, don't!! That was such a shame when you put yourself out for us,
I too will keep my eyes open on the next visit.
Let us know. It's such a pretty plant that I hope it thrives there.
BTW the Cafe food at Wisley is appalling these days in both price and
Smug grin. ;-)
South Devon
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