"Sacha" wrote in message
Roddy Llewellyn describes the Judith Lea method of killing off bindweed by
either growing it up a support and then spraying it or stuffing its ends
into a plastic bag and spraying them. He also talks of that wonderful
little plant Erigeron karvinskianus and describes how Prince Peter
had it all over the place in his garden in France and used to swear by
rolling the seeds into tiny clay balls and stuffing them into cracks in
walls and paving. I'm sure I've told that story of Ray's on here but with
the addition that he did the same in other peoples' gardens. It was his
favourite plant. Perhaps RL reads urg for inspiration! ;-)
Something I hadn't heard of before is that weather watchers swear this
year's weather is so terrible because 2007 had 13 full moons in it, not
South Devon
It's only the last week or so that's been bad though compared to last year,
don't you think?