Glypthosate dangers
The message
from Fuschia contains these words:
On Tue, 8 Jul 2008 16:04:56 +0100, Rusty Hinge 2
The message
from "Emrys Davies" contains these words:
I know how glyphosate works on a plant and the soil but I am wondering
if it is safe in the following circumstances:
If it is applied to weeds on concrete paths, allowed to completely dry
and then it rains is there a danger that the residue can then be carried
on shoes onto grassed areas and thus cause damage?
No. Once in the soil it becomes locked-in and harmless.
Incidentally, on the Farming Programme recently (IIRC) I heard a farmer
refer to it repeatedly as 'glyphosphate'...
The OP did say it was on concrete paths rather than on soil, but I
think the answer will be the same because having dried out and then
been further diluted by rain it will be very much weakened.
It will be the same: if it doesn't form a (triangular) bond with the
actual concrete, as soon as it is washed into the soil, it will bond
with that and become harmless.
I think the farmer's mistake is because he will be used to dealing
with other sorts of phosphates as fertilisers.
I'm sure. But you'd think he might have heard others refer to it
correctly, and wondered, innit.
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