Thread: obediance plant
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Old 08-07-2008, 09:03 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham[_2_] Charlie Pridham[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
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Default obediance plant

In article ,
In message , Dorry
I have bought an "obediance plant" - (sorry, only name I was given.) -
A friend has told me it can spread uncontrollably like a weed - so i
have put it in a large pot, instead of my border. Can it also spread
easily by seed?

The usual plant that goes by the name of obedient (sic) plant is
Physostegia virginiana. I suspect that it is invasive in the US, rather
than here, but perhaps someone with experience of the plant will chime

I had to erradicate it, it went everywhere but allthough I originally
grew it from seed I seem to remember the spread was not from self sowing.
Charlie Pridham, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of national collections of Clematis viticella cultivars and
Lapageria rosea