Thread: Cat poo
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Old 07-07-2008, 06:22 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Rusty Hinge 2 Rusty Hinge 2 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 820
Default Cat poo

The message
from "Campa-Man" contains these words:
"Ian J Maude" wrote in message
Steve Turner wrote:

Is cat poo good or bad for the garden? Just spotted one of next door's
cats having a dump (away from plants and he has tried to bury it, bless
him). I know it doesn't do lawns much good, based on a neighbour
who used
to live across the road and kept blaming my cat (all cats look alike
except to their carers).

I'll happily dig it in if it's going to help the soil

Cat poo does not fertilise. I believe that there are only 2 animals who
have this distinction, the other being the Polar Bear and you do not want
one of those on your garden
The best thing to do is to remove it and throw it away.

Yep I am always throwing the neigbours cats out of our garden, the bloody
staffy just wants to play with them

Staffy? Pshaw! Our English would have eaten them if she'd caught them...

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